MeWe worse than Facebook?

I signed-up on MeWe, the “no ads”, “no spyware”, “no BS” social network. The experience was not good at all and deleted my account after a week. This is my verdict on MeWe.

Give your old PC a new life

My neighbors wanted to throw away a perfectly good PC with Windows 10. But instead I installed Ubuntu MATE giving the PC a new life and didn’t let it become ewaste.

Bye bye Google

I was pretty pissed that Google decided to close G+. As an alternative I came up with a short list of three social media services: Mastodon, Diaspora and MeWe. In the coming weeks I will choose between these three services.

Hephestos 2 upgraded with heated bed

Is it worth upgrading the Hephestos 2 with the heated bed that BQ offers for 160 euro? Read on and find out.

The BQ Hephestos2 (3D printer), nine months later

After nine months I can say that I’m satisfied with the BQ Hephestos 2 printer. It’s easy to print with and easy to maintain. It doesn’t come with a heated printbed which I consider a shortcoming but for PLA and Filaflex the printer works fine.

Switching from FreeCAD to Solvespace?

Solvespace is a good addition to the existing open source 3D CAD programs such as OpenSCAD and FreeCAD. If you want to try a truly free 3D CAD program but are intimidated by FreeCAD because of it’s steep learning curve and OpenSCAD because of programmers-like approach certainly should give Solvespace a try.

Puppy Linux Tahrpup on my Thinkpad T40

In November last year I decided to revive my very old (2003) Thinkpad T40 with Puppy Linux. Now eight months later I’ll give an update on Puppy Linux on my PC. Am I still happy with Puppy Linux?

Why I use open source for my DIY projects and you should too

Use open source as often as possible. Not only is it free (as in gratis) but it can be as good or better than propietary software without the all the limiting terms found in a typical software license agreement. Open source enables the community to freely share ideas, information, concepts etc. This is key for a succesful and thriving society.

Make a Photography Light Box of cheap material (part 1: design and 3d print).

DIY frame for a Photography Light Box. I designed a 3d printed three way connector to assemble the curtain rods for the box.

DIY Lego Cabinet

Making a woorden Lego cabinet for all this minifigs is easy and cheap. You do need a laser cutter for this project.