Making a tiny audio system for our cooler (part 2)

A made a 3d printed enclosure for the audio components that fits in the coolers lid together with a simple console to operate the audio

Making a tiny audio system for our cooler (part 1)

I’m selecting components for the audio cooler that I’m going to build. The components need to be tiny to fit in the coolers lid

OpenELEC maintenance

How to update OpenELEC without loosing settings, getting YouTube to work again and creating an OpenELEC backup. Make screenshots in OpenELEC.

More designing and 3D printing

putting my 3D printer to use

Case for a FM-radio (Velleman MK194)

Making good use of a 3d printer

Blogger vs WordPress

Should I move my blog from Blogger to WordPress.

What to make for Valentine’s day?

Looking for an idea for Valentine’s day. Look no further.

Assembling a Hephestos 2 printer

Is this 3d printer a good choice for a beginner?

Darth Vader voice changer 2.0 part 5: finished

This is the last of a series of five where I design and build a Darth Vader chest box with the HT8950A chip. The series involves all the instructions for the electronics, laser cutting and a bit of 3d printing.

Expanding my electronics workbench with shelves

You can never have enough space