Raspberry Pi security camera, first experience

Introduction Last week I wrote about the Raspberry Pi, the camera module and Motion acting as a surveillance camera. I’ve been testing my Raspberry Pi surveillance camera for a week now and the results are satisfying although there are also some problems. I think much of the succes of the camera comes down to finding […]

Homemade security camera with a Raspberry Pi

In this blog post I’ll describe how to build a simple security camera with a Raspberry Pi, a camera module and some MDF wood.

Building a robot cart (Experiment 32 of Make:Electronics) finished

In my previous post about the robot cart I described how I finished the cart and tested the circuit on the breadboard. I only had to solder the circuit to the perf board and mount the board on the cart. Simple, right. Unfortunately it wasn’t that simple. After soldering I tested the board and discovered […]

Homemade igniter with simple materials

In this post I describe how to make an igniter with simple materials and tools. I also provide a little bit of explanation about the working of the igniter.

Building a robot cart (Experiment 32 of Make:Electronics)

This experiment is about building a little robot cart. Make:Electronics describes all the steps that needs to be taken in great detail beginning with the cart and then the circuit. This experiment is a lot of work but I think it is worth it because you make a complete robot from the bottom up. The cart […]

Homemade camera dolly

Finished camera dolly made out of Makeblock and plywood. The plywood is painted black with a regular (alkyd) spray paint. I make a lot of video’s of our projects so I figured a camera dolly would be a nice addition. I could buy one of course but making one is a lot more fun. About […]

Shoe rack finished

Over this weekend I finished the shoe rack for my wife. I decided to use a transparant high gloss varnish with excellent protection against scratches. This varnish “Rambo Jachtlak” is even suitable for boats so I figured it’s can withstand my wives shoe’s.  The price tag of the varnish is hefty but I figured that […]

DIY wooden shoe rack (part 2)

Previously I wrote about a shoe rack that I’m making for my wife. The initial design had two flaws. First some shoes tended to slide of the shelf. Secondly there was a space between the stands and some shelfs. As a consequence the whole structure was unstable. Yesterday I disassembled the rack. Then I cut […]

Breadboard malfunction (redo experiment 29 and 30 of Make:Electronics)

During experiment 29 and 30 of Make:Electronics I noticed that the circuit was very susceptible to noise to the point that it really interfered with the experiments. While thinking about it I suspected that something was wrong with the breadboard. I decided to redo both experiments with a another breadboard (but without the low pass […]

Harddisk repair of a laptop (finished)

In my last entry I wrote about a laptop from a friend that had a damaged harddisk. Yesterday I had some time to replace the harddisk with a new one. Replacing components from a modern laptop can be very cumbersome nowadays. It also requires special equipment. I used the tools from a Velleman repair kit […]