After has shut down, Squeezebox audio player and its server software are still very much alive. Instead of relying on mysqueezebox one has to setup their own media server (which can be done on cheap low end hardware and isn’t as hard a it may seem). Previously the software was called Logitech Media Server but that name has been changed to Lyrion Music Server (still LMS)!
The Lyrion Music Server website is the new home for everything Squeezebox including a getting started page with all the instructions for each platform to start using LMS, a database with all compatible Squeezebox devices and a page with all available plugins.

Development of the all important server software is going well too. We’ve already had two new versions this year of the LMS, 8.4 and 8.5, with new plugins, features and bug fixes. Version 9.0 is also in development and will be the first version that carries the name Lyrion Music Server, an important milestone.
Since LMS version 8.5.1 a “Report Analytics Data” plugin is automatically installed. This plugin gathers technical information about the connected LMS systems. It’s an opt-out plugin but it doesn’t collect personal data and Lyrion is very transparent about the data that is being collected. Also the collective data can be viewed on a separate page on the website. Interestingly the number of connected players is still rising which is encouraging. This could be either new user, users that move from mysqueezebox or simply existing users that expand the number of players.
Analytics also show that the majority of players (53%) run Squeezelite, a software client for Lyrion Music Server. This surprised me greatly. This means that a large number of users build their own player, SqueezePlayer.
Now for those who want to set up a Lyrion Music Server with a Raspberry Pi, I still maintain a blog page where I describe the process for installation of such a server in more detail.
Thanks for reading!