DIY planter for tiny kitchen garden

My wife asked me to build two wooden boxes and a planter for her vegetables and herbs. She has become serious about having her own tiny kitchen garden. So I bought some cheap 14 cm wide and 15 mm thick pinewood. I cut the wood at the desired length and connected it with 4 x 40 mm chipboard screws. The inside of the boxes were covered with anti-root fabric. The planter was made of the same wood as the boxes. I got the idea of the planter on the YouTube channel of Steve Ramsey at I simplified his version since I only needed two tiers instead of three. It’s easy to build, cheap and transportable. Now I just have to wait until these delicious radish are finding there way to my plate.

A more recent image of the kitchen garden. The vegetables are all doing well (we’ve already eaten the radish).
Two tier kitchen garden without the boxes. Easy to build and transportable.

Wooden box for kitchen garden 60 by 27 cm (length x width). The inside is covered with anti-root fabric.

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