Atari Punk Console part 3: finished

I finally finished the Atari Punk Console (APC) that I blogged about previously. This time I worked on the external connections and the enclosure. First I took a cheap grey project box and drilled holes for the two potentiometers, speaker and LED into the lid. I also drilled a hole for the perf board and a switch into the bottom of the project box. I soldered all the external connections and glued a small speaker on the inside of the lid. At this stage I tested the APC for the last time. Then I inserted everything into the project box and closed it with four screws. To give you a sample of the noise that can be created I uploaded a video on YouTube. Everything including a 9V block battery fitted nicely into the enclosure.

Perf board connected to all the external connections.
The perf board nicely fits into the project box.

Making music or noise with the end result.

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