A couple of years ago I started working with electronics as a hobby. The reason was that it seemed cool to create electronics gadgets and learn about electronics in the process. I had limited training in electronics so I decided to start with simple electronics kits. These kits contain a PCB, electronic components and a simple step by step instruction. So I built a FM radio, an amplifier and some simple LED gadgets but apart from enhancing my soldering skills I didn’t learn much about electronics. Then at www.makezine.com I came across the Make:Electronics book by Charles Platt. The book from 2009 but it looked very hands-on and I ordered it. By now I have almost finished the first three chapter and I arrived at experiment 15 which proved to be the most challenging so far.
In experiment 15 I have to build a alarm circuit. After some setbacks I have a working circuit on breadboard.

If you’re interested here is a link to the next part of this experiment: https://homehack.nl/building-an-intrusion-alarm-part-2/
Thanks for reading!