I finally finished the Atari Punk Console (APC) that I blogged about previously. This time I worked on the external connections and the enclosure. First I took a cheap grey project box and drilled holes for the two potentiometers, speaker and LED into the lid. I also drilled a hole for the perf board and a switch into the bottom of the project box. I soldered all the external connections and glued a small speaker on the inside of the lid. At this stage I tested the APC for the last time. Then I inserted everything into the project box and closed it with four screws. To give you a sample of the noise that can be created I uploaded a video on YouTube. Everything including a 9V block battery fitted nicely into the enclosure.
Perf board connected to all the external connections. |
The perf board nicely fits into the project box. |
Making music or noise with the end result. |
Thanks for reading!
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