Humble start with Bash scripting

2019 is a good year to start scripting with Bash

To kick off the year I started to learn Bash scripting, something I wanted to do a very long time. I humbly began with tutorials on the web like this one and I’m rewriting scripts from Smokey01, a Puppy Linux user. As an exercise I simply rewrote this script to work on OSX. If you want to use it you need to install exiftool. I installed exiftool with Homebrew and typed brew install exiftool but there’s also a dmg file available. If you don’t use Homebrew you do have to change the check if exiftool is installed.

Now for the script. It reads a jpeg file that must contain geo-coordinates. After some checks for parameter and exiftool installed it reads the geo-coordinates and stores them in the variable coord. This variable is then added to a Google search query and the result displayed in the browser.

Save the script e.g. with the name place and run with place /path/to/photo.jpg to display the location where photo.jpg was taken.

The script

1 #!/bin/bash
2 # Originally written by smokey01 28 May 2017
3 # Rewritten for OSX by Eric Buijs 9 Jan 2019
4 if [ $# -eq 0 ]
5   then
6     echo You need to specify a file.
7     echo EG: place photo.jpg
8     exit 1
9 fi
11 if [ ! -d /usr/local/Cellar/exiftool ]
12   then
13     echo "This script requires exiftool!"
14     exit 1
15 fi
17 coords=`exiftool -n -p '$GPSLatitude,$GPSLongitude' $@`
18 read -e -p "Do you want to see the location in your Browser? " choice
19 [[ "$choice" == [Yy]* ]] && open$coords || exit 1

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